

Welcome to our fourth installment of “Spiritual Sunday!” Today is a really exciting one for me…. as this is a true passion of mine and a way that I ground myself. Rock and Shell Hunting. But not just any rocks and shells… heart shaped rocks and shells. I have amassed quite a lovely collection from all over the world. And no matter where I am… or where I go… you will always see me looking at the ground… always on the hunt.


It started many years ago when I found my first heart shaped shell on the white sand beaches of the Exumas. From that moment on… I was hooked. Besides the fresh air and the great exercise you get searching… I have walked, hiked and run many many miles. I have found that it lowers my blood pressure, reduces my anxiety and grounds me in a very simple and easy way. Besides the hunt for the hearts, you never know what you will find. I have found some amazing crystals and once I even found a diamond.


There is even a book called “Heart Stones” written by Josie Iselin. The book features heart stones Josie has collected over the years. It’s a simple and beautiful book and a copy was gifted to me by my beautiful niece, Chloe Winkler. She joined in on a hunt one afternoon and the bonding that took place during our quest was so incredibly special, that it brought about a feeling that hunting for hearts had helped open our hearts…. and helped facilitate bonding on a deeper level.


Josie Iselin’s beautiful book….. Heart Stones



                     Heart Stones I found on Hamilton Island, Australia