
Laura Dunn Fabulous365 Butterfly Effect

Photo: Ana Ochoa/Make up: Edgar Santos

Angel signs are everywhere! We featured a story on “Feathers” a few months ago….and then most recently “Dimes” as signs that Angels are in our presence. Today? We are onto to “BUTTERFLIES!” Yesterday was a day that was filled with Monarch Butterflies for me. They were everywhere…. I even found a perfectly preserved (past it’s expiration date) Monarch butterfly… on the sidewalk. At that point…. I knew it was a story and something I must share with you.
The lesson of the butterfly is letting go of old behavior and expounding into the next phase of existence. Each of us transforms through multiple stages in our life. It is only through exertion that we emerge into who we will be next. Ask for butterfly help when:
• You need help organizing a project or detailing the sequence of steps to complete it.
• You know it is time for a change and need the courage to break free from your “cocoon.”
• You are experiencing a major life change.
• You take things too seriously.
Access butterfly power by…
• Noticing colors you are drawn to and trying to discern what they mean for you.
• Choosing a habit you no longer want, developing and implementing a plan to change it.
• Observing butterflies in their natural environment (a park or preserve) and noting what you are thinking when one comes into view.
• Wrapping yourself tightly in a blanket for a few minutes and then slowly unwrapping it and emerge. Does this seem like a metaphor for anything in your life right now?
• Dance! Alone or with someone, release the energy to propel you forward.
So keep your eyes open in search of Butterflies…. dance to your hearts delight! We only get one shot in this lifetime to live the lives that God intended us to live. Live life with your heart open and throw caution to the wind…. Live a life of a butterfly!
Laura Dunn Fabulous365 Spiritual Sunday

Photo By Steven Dunn


Please excuse our switching of days and times of stories (Posts). We are in the middle of building you a much bigger, much better and way more exciting site and we have been experimenting with days to see what suits your viewing pleasure. So until our new site is finished…. we will be posting stories on Monday, Wednesday and Friday with our most sacred “Spiritual Sunday” back by popular demand! As always…. Our hearts are filled with profound gratitude for your visiting WWW.FABULOUS365.COM

With all my love,

Laura Dunn