



Ralph Lauren & Forever 21

This edition of Pennies & Posh bring us to Ralph Lauren and Forever 21. Ralph on top…. Forever on the bottom. The amazing gold loafers we are featuring today on “Pennies & Posh” are some of the best quality shoes in this price range to ever grace my feet….Full price at $29.00! I am seriously not sure how they were able to make such a well built shoe for this price! The quality rivals a beautiful Prada loafer.



Add in our sparkling Ralph Lauren top at around $5000.00… and it’s Posh at it’s finest. This crystal encrusted silk top is just about as elegant as it gets. Mixed together you would never in a million years know how inexpensive the loafers were. That’s the beauty of mixing your expensive pieces with your inexpensive pieces. Your Posh makes your Pennies look like you broke the bank putting the outfit together.


As always, check out our boutique page for some golden ideas!


Laura Dunn

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