laura dunn makes blueberry-strawberry-cheesecake-food blog-dessert

laura dunn makes blueberry-strawberry-cheesecake-food blog-dessert

laura dunn makes blueberry-strawberry-cheesecake-food blog-dessert
Today brings us back to the kitchen to create two amazing berry cheesecakes! Pass the fresh organic strawberries & Blueberries please! I have never made a cheesecake in my life…. as my mother-in-law, Marilyn Dunn is a master cake maker. Marilyn’s cheesecakes are absolute New York cheesecake perfection…. and how was I to compete with perfection? So a couple of weeks ago I stumble over this cheesecake recipe…. it looked so easy…. I thought even I could make this. And it was! So simple was this cheesecake to make…. anyone can make it! Let me modify and let’s go!
Add berries of choice to the top and whipped cream if you are feeling daring! This is not a traditional cheesecake…. but it is delicious and such an amazing summertime dessert!
With Big Delicious Kisses!!
Laura Dunn
P.S. Please beware that the blueberry could look a bit burnt due to the darker berry.

laura dunn makes blueberry-strawberry-cheesecake-food blog-dessert