
laura dunn halloween macaroons IMG_6568-1IMG_6518-1

The Halloween Macaroon: Paint me a Cookie

This is such a fun and creative way to express yourself this Halloween… The DIY Halloween Macaroon. The easiest and most professional way to decorate (or personalize) a cookie that I have ever seen! When my markers arrived… I couldn’t wait to get my hands on something to decorate! So fun for a last minute holiday party because you don’t need to have mad cooking skills…. just a little creativity and the world is your cookie oyster! Let’s get started….

laura dunn halloween macaroons laura-halloween-macaroon-directionsIMG_6532-1IMG_0232laura dunn halloween macaroons

Tomorrow is the big day…… so whatever you are doing… please be safe and have the most amazing

With some Spooky Love,

Laura Dunn



Here are some great food dyes and edible paints to get you started!