

Laura Dunn reviews a great way to keep your skin safe from the sun and still stylish – with ZeroUV sunglasses!


Laura Dunn reviews a great way to keep your skin safe from the sun and still stylish – with ZeroUV sunglasses!


Laura Dunn reviews a great way to keep your skin safe from the sun and still stylish – with ZeroUV sunglasses!


Laura Dunn reviews a great way to keep your skin safe from the sun and still stylish – with ZeroUV sunglasses!


Laura Dunn reviews a great way to keep your skin safe from the sun and still stylish – with ZeroUV sunglasses!


Laura Dunn reviews a great way to keep your skin safe from the sun and still stylish – with ZeroUV sunglasses!


Laura Dunn reviews a great way to keep your skin safe from the sun and still stylish – with ZeroUV sunglasses!


Laura Dunn reviews a great way to keep your skin safe from the sun and still stylish – with ZeroUV sunglasses!


Laura Dunn reviews a great way to keep your skin safe from the sun and still stylish – with ZeroUV sunglasses!

ZeroUV: The 2016 Edition


Where else can you get a spot on trend pair of sunglasses for $9.99? ZeroUV could be just about the best sunglass find on the planet! If it’s on trend…. ZeroUv has it!! Let’s talk sunglasses. About 2 months ago I was at a concert at the Hollywood Bowl and the last performer of the evening was Rhianna…. who storms the stage in what could be the best suit of all time…. paired with a pair of over-sized round lens sunglasses. I almost had a fashion faint! It was that great of an outfit….. that it is a moment in time that will be burned into my mind forever! What stuck out the most? Those round lens glasses. The next morning my fingers were burning up google to try and find those sunglasses! And miracle of miracles I landed onto one of my favorite sites…. and one I have written about two times in the past….. ZeroUV. Who actually had an exact copy of Rhianna’s magical round sunglasses. The best part?? $9.99!! Hahaha you gotta be kidding me!! 9.99 for a fashion iconic moment? YES! So buy I did…. along with 12 other paris and I swear it cost me less than a cool $150! For 12 pairs of fashionable sunglasses? YES! The quality? Pretty darn good. So we shot several of the pairs today and we are showing a few pairs that we have shot with other stories. ZeroUV…. The best find for inexpensive up too the moment fashion sunglasses!!



This story gets better…. Most of the glasses that Zero UV makes are UV400. Meaning that the lens has been optimized to prevent both UVA and UVB radiation. UV 400 is capable of blocking light rays as small as 400 nanometers. That means that anywhere from 99 to 100 percent of the sun’s harmful rays are kept away from the eye. And you are thinking…. it’s gray and snowy outside so who cares about eye protection?? Well it’s during these times that we need serious protection the most!! “Ultraviolet light goes right through the clouds, and as much as 80% of those rays can be reflected by snow and ice and sent directly into the eyes,” according to Jeff Pettey, M.D., a clinical spokesman for the American Academy of Ophthalmology. Meaning…. get cha fashion glasses on now!!


With some seriously fashionable love,

Laura Dunn


Shop the amazing looks from ZeroUV worn by Laura by clicking the links below.


Laura Dunn reviews a great way to keep your skin safe from the sun and still stylish – with ZeroUV sunglasses!