

Back in May…. we did a story about how Rite Aide Drug Stores were going uptown….. by re-designing the whole store and adding in upscale make up departments. After much investigation and trials… Our number One Choice for the best make up in the store was… Eddie Funkhouser. Eddie himself happened to be in the Beverly Hills store on the day we were doing our store checks. He was doing makeovers and demonstrating his make up. We already loved what we had…. But upon meeting Eddie were knew we had stumbled upon something really special! So we featured Mr. Funkhouser and his make up here on Fabulous365…. and without surprise…. everyone that bought his make up…. loved it


Rolling forward to last week…… I was digging through my make up bag for my trusty and expensive eye liner. The kind that looks like… and works like a marker. Upon pulling it out and really inspecting (knowing I needed to soon replace), I discovered my eye liner was actually NOT the expensive liner from Barney’s that I thought I had been using….. But the Eddie Funkhouser Ultra Definition Eye Lining stylus! Blow me away! I have been using a $10.00 eyeliner for the past couple of months…. And LOVING it! Do yourself and wallet a favor and get down to Rite Aide and give Eddie Funkhouser’s Ultra Definition Eye Lining Stylus a try!!




With the amazingly fabulous Eddie Funkhouser