


I just read the most amazing article on Anti-Aging. It involves Telomeres…. the caps on the end of chromosomes that protect our DNA from damage. Telomeres naturally shorten with age… stress, smoking, obesity and sun cause the telomeres to shorten prematurely and have been associated with higher risks of chronic disease. Now here is where my ears perked up….. studies have concluded that these shortened telomeres can also make us look older. “You know how some people who are 70 that look 90?” says Immaculata DeVito, an associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. “They probably have shortened telomeres.” So it’s all about the telomeres today. We are listing a few ways to help halt the shortening of these caps…. while improving our overall health. 


It has been shown that women and men on the Mediterranean Diet have longer telomeres. Rich in in vegetables, nuts, fruits, whole fish, legumes, whole grains, olives, oil olive and a moderate amount of red wine…. the Mediterranean Diet can actually help reverse aging.


TA-65 is a nutritional supplement that proponents claim can not only slow telomere shortening…. but can actually lengthen existing ones. TA-65 derived from astragalus root… a very powerful antioxidant… which is said to activate the enzyme telomerase…. which will actually counteract telomere shortening. The pill is reported to work best when use with positive lifestyle choices. Of course there is controversy around this magical little  pill…. with some doctors having concern over cancer risks associated with telomerase activity. So before ordering TA-65…. please consult with your physician….. and your wallet…. a supply of 250 pills costs around $600.00. 


Staying active…. In a study at McMaster University Medical Center in Ontario, Canada… it was found that moderate endurance exercise for 30 to 45 minutes per week… over a three month period developed younger looking skin. At the microscopic level, people in the study had skin that was about 20 years younger than when they started. Elliptical, biking and running are just a few ways to to reap the anti-aging benefits of a cardiovascular workout. 

There you go…. 3 ways to younger and more vibrant skin. 

With some young love!!

Laura Dunn